Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Sarah's book.

On its way to Jacqui.


ariel rebecca said...

may i ask what a moleskine is? it seems to be a book with one long, folded paper inside...

im really interested, cause i love sketchys. :D
this project sounds really cool.

moly_x_2 said...

Hi ariel
Moleskine is a popular brand of notebook made by Italian company, and there`re many kinds of moleskine notebooks, basically we are using Japanese fold book for the project.

for more info you can check out our Moly_x flickr group.

Joyce Huang said...

This is nice!
wow I almost forgot this book has some badges on the cover, 1 and half of year.. that`s a long time :P

did I just see OREO in the first picture?